
Presale Ends In

01 days 21 hrs 05 mins 50 secs


SOL 1 = 1,000,000 $MELON



STEP 1: Copy wallet address

STEP 2: Send desired Solana amount to wallet address

STEP 3: You will receive your $MELON within 24 hours


Below is some important information you should know about our coin 🙂



  • ⚙️ 100% LP locked and burnt

  • 🥶 Freeze and Mint Authority is Revoked

  • 💸 0% Buy/Sell Tax

  • 🚫 No private sale

  • 💰 Wallet ADDRESS:  5L2erPHLkAMzKsaRVQAFhCgQWpoyMDVmJzyVowEGH7GX

This is your first stop at the temple. You may wonder - Why capybaras?

In the heart of every lush green landscape and beside the calmest waters, capybaras — the gentle giants of the rodent world — teach us the art of living harmoniously. Their serene presence and communal nature have inspired us to create Capymelon, a tribute to these magnificent creatures and what they represent: tranquility, friendship, and the simple joys of life.

Chill with Capybaras, Grow with Capymelon

Our Capybara-Inspired Adventure Awaits!

Jump into the Capymelon vibe, where the laid-back life of capybaras sparks a fun-loving community ready for some serious growth. It’s all about making cool stuff, sharing the love, and building a future where everyone gets a slice of the pie.

Grow 75%

Imagine a place where your support helps everyone’s dreams skyrocket. That’s us, aiming for the stars, together.

Connect 50%

Every new buddy in our circle makes the party bigger and the journey sweeter. Let’s make this family huge!

Choose your Capybara

In the world of Capymelon Temple, it’s not just about picking a capybara—it’s about letting the right one choose you. Feel the vibe, embrace the moment, and see which of these adorable CapyMelons resonates with your spirit. Your journey with your chosen capybara starts here!

Left Image 2 Left Image 1 Center Image Right Image 1 Right Image 2


Still curious? If you find yourself pondering more questions, you're not alone. Join our Capymelon community where curiosity thrives and questions find their answers. It’s a place to connect, share, and discover more about the wonderful world of capybaras and watermelons together. Let’s dive deeper into our capy-love together!

Our token is a decentralized cryptocurrency designed to revolutionize the financial industry.

To buy our token, simply join our community on telegram and any other social media platforms listed in this website.

Our roadmap outlines our future plans and milestones for the development and growth of our project.

For any inquiries or support, please reach out to us by joining our community in which questions are answered.

We are simple people. We love capybaras so much we dedicate this token to them. Also, who doesn’t love watermelons?

The timer at the top of website page will tell you!

Easy! When presale drops a wallet address will be available to send SOL to and receive melons!